Monday, February 23, 2009

Martin's February 2009 Newsletter

Brian and I went to the Jazz game on January 24th. Brian's co-worker broke his leg and gave us the tickets at the last minute and we went to the game that same that night. We stayed at Kim's brother Brad's house. Brad and his wife Anne watched Lexey. She gave them a hard time. We had fun going to the Jazz game together unfortunately Jazz lost the game against the Cleveland.
Brian and I had a Superbowl party and had lots of neighbors over. most the girls played games and talked and the guys enjoyed the game. Brian was proud of himself he made a big pan of funeral pototoes. We also made Ham, nachos, little smokies, and chili.
We went over to LJ's house for Kimball's birthday. We also had a client stay with us that weekend it was fun to play games with him and get to know him better.
Brian went with some of his friends snowmobiling up to Bone. Brian found a few new area's to play in the snow.
We went to Grant Chandler's funeral on the 11th. It was a very nice funeral. At the lunchon Jodi Rod's daughter stood up and called for her dad because she thought her daughter was chocking. it was a little scary for a miniute there, but thankfully it was a false alarm and everyone was able to chuckle about it after words. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Grant Chandlers family.
We went up to uncle Kay's cabin on the 13-15 of febuary. Brian shoveled off the snow on the cabing on friday night. We did a lot of snowmobiling on the 14th for Valuntines day. We went up to two top with Brian's cousin Greg Barns and his girlfriend Shawntel Brown. We went with Brian's friends Luke, Brandy, and there daughter Morgan to big springs and part of Black's Canyon Loop. Sunday we went to church in Island Park . after church we visited with some of uncle Kay's friends Gay and Maxin. We visited with some of Kim's friends Jacob and Mericia Roberts at there cabin. they gave us some yummy hot cocolate. We went on a short ride to big springs with Luke and Brandy. We packed up and went home. Kim's parents watched Lexey in the cabin most the weekend.
Lexey is making progress. She is rolling all over the place. She has started getting on her hands and knees and is rocking back and forth. She has started this thing with her nose where she smiles and snorts in and out it is cute. Lexey loves to grab her daddy's glasses off his face and she enjoys pulling her mom and aunts Sarah's hair. She sure is the light in our life and we really do enjoy her.


Brain, Kim,& Lexey Martin

1 comment:

Kris & Christina said...

Hi Kim,
I enjoy looking at your blog to see the latsest you are up to. I miss you.