Sunday, July 27, 2008

this last weeks up dates

This weekend we had a yard sale and made a big $233.oo and got rid of a bunch of crap now we can fit our 4 wheeler, our scooter, and one car ya!!
Lexey went to the eye doctor last week and all is well with her eyes so far.
Lexey went to the hearing doctor and who knows with that because we had Quck for a doctor that really did not tell us much, but we are looking into a new doctor for Lexey that checks hearing.
Lexey seems to be getting bigger and Brian and I are learning how to be better parents every day.


The Stimpsons said...

What a cute little girl!! That one picture of her looks just like you Kim!!!

Can't wait to see you guys again!

mickelsenfamily said...

I'm glad you are all doing well. I like that you are starting a blog. Lots of people are checking in on you three to see that you are all doing well. Like I said...let me know what I can do to help.